
Calibration Substrate Selection GuideCalibrationPad Size(mic




Calibration Substrate Selection Guide
Calibration Pad Size(microns)   Calibration Footprint Pitch Range Pitch Range
Substrate Types Supported Recommeded (µm) Acceptable (µm)
CS-5 50 x 50 SOLT, LRL, LRM GSG 75 - 250 75 - 250
CS-9 100 x 100 SOLT, LRL, LRM GSG 250 - 600 150 - 600
CS-10 150 x 150 SOLT, LRM GSG 600 -1250 225 -1250
CS-18 300 x 300 SOLT, LRM GSG 1250 - 2540 500 - 2540
Figure 2
CS-8 50 x 50 SOLT, LRM GS, SG 50 - 200 50 - 300
100 x 100
150 x 150
CS-14 100 x 100 SOLT, LRM GS, SG 200 - 400 150 - 600
CS-11 150 x 150 SOLT, LRM GS, SG 400 - 1250 175 - 1250
CS-17 300x300 SOLT, LRM GS, SG 750-2540 450-2540
Figure 3
Special Calibration Substrate Designed For Use Above 110 GHz
CS-15 25 x 25 SOLT, LRL, LRM GSG 40 - 150 (SOLT) 40 - 150
30 - 150
Table 3
SOLT = Short-Open-Load-Through
LRL = Line-Reflect-Line (Which is equivalent to TRL = Through-Reflect-Line)
LRM = Line-Reflect-Match (Which is equivalent to TRM = Through-Reflect-Match)
Accurate, easy to use calibration substrates, calibration coefficients, and detailed instructions allow you to precisely calibrate the measurement system to the probe tips.  
The typical elements for calibrating a microwave measurement system consists of opens, shorts, 50 ohm loads, and throughs. Precision crafted calibration substrates, when properly used, assure you of accurate on-wafer test results.  
All load standards are individually inspected and trimmed to within 0.25% accuracy using NIST traceable equipment.  
Easy to use step by step instructions are provided for use with Agilent ENA four port network analyzers and Agilent PNA network analyzers with PLTS software.  
Differential Calibration Substrate Selection Guide  
Calibration Pad Size (microns) Calibration Footprint Pitch  
Substrate Types Supported  
CS-2100 50 x 50 SOLT, LRL, LRM GSGSG 100  


